
Friday, January 31, 2014

Follow up to Richard Sherman Tweets

With the Middle School students I had a great opportunity to discuss a hot topic buzzing in our city. The Seattle Seahawks defeated the San Francisco 49ers and made their way to the Super Bowl! The whole city and the school were excited and overwhelmed with Seattle Seahawk pride. However, the game was over-shadowed with a post game interview by Richard Sherman. Many of you are aware of what he said, but some may be surprised with the fallout afterwards.

Here is the interview:

After this interview, the reaction on social media was absurd. It provided a great opportunity for Middle school students to see and discuss how social media is allowing us to communicate and react to information instantly. I wanted to raise students awareness to how social media works and how it can affect people.

The twitter reactions can be seen on my post here.

After looking at those tweets and having a conversation about how things you say can make people perceive who you are, even if its on Twitter, we watched a video about Richard Sherman's reaction to people on Twitter. 

I want students to be aware of the effects social media has on our lives. It is a forward thinking technology, but does it allow for people to continue thinking backwards?

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